We all know that a long bike ride is very adventurous, and some people have dreams about a long bike ride. But do you know? Accidents or bad situation comes without any prior signal. Think you’ve been to a secluded area, and there your motorcycle ruined or you got sick. And the sad news is there is no one around to help you; the situation becomes very worse. How does it feel to think about the matter? Of course, very gruesome. But do you know only your skill and some preplan can come you out from this dangerous situation? Not only your skill but also need some instruments. But for this, you have to know about some basic bike repairing techniques and some repairing tools. In this article, I am going to discuss some topic just like that; I hope this article will be beneficial for you. Keep reading.
Table of Contents
Which Essentials Tools Must Keep With You
It’s not right to do any work without preparation; you must need some preparation before going on a long ride. Another thing is that you should modify your motorcycle before going for a long ride. When it comes to long rides, personal safety comes first and then vehicle safety. You need to complete knowledge about personal protective equipment (PPE). Here I will highlight some of the things that will combine everything from personal safety. So keep reading, and know more.
The toolbox is the essential things to keep with you in a long ride; that’s why I take it the first place on the list. Small portable toolboxes are sometimes called hand boxes or portable tool storage. Be sure about that Screwdriver, Torque Wrench, Pressure Gauge, Hex Key Set and Allen/Hex Bit Sockets, Mechanic and Nitrile Gloves, Nylon and Wire Brush, Socket Wrench Set, Pliers, and Chain Breaker and Riveter are in your toolbox. This whole gear setup will be available in the market at different prices. Understand the need to buy.
First Aid Kit
A motorcyclist must keep himself well. Some critical situation comes when no pharmacy can be found nearby. So keep a first aid kit with you, where some basic first aid equipment will include such as plasters in a variety of different sizes and shapes, sterile gauze dressings, sterile eye dressings, triangular bandages, crêpe rolled bandages, safety pins, disposable sterile gloves, tweezers, scissors, alcohol-free cleansing wipes, sticky tape, thermometer (preferably digital), skin rash, cream, such as hydrocortisone or calendula, cream or spray to relieve insect bites and stings, antiseptic cream, painkillers such as paracetamol (or infant paracetamol for children), aspirin (not to be given to children under 16), or ibuprofen, cough medicine, antihistamine cream or tablets, distilled water for, cleaning wounds, eyewash and eye bath, etc. And, of course, stock up on all the medicines that you take regularly.
Proper Documentation
Proper documentation provides evidence of what has transpired and also provides information for researching discrepancies. You need to keep proper documentation about your motorcycle; that’s why you can face any legal problems. On a road trip, if one state’s motorcycle passes through another state, the level of checking is increased. Police check outsider motorcycle sometimes. It is important to have proper vehicle documents. As proper documentation, you have to keep with you the motorcycle registration paper, your driving license, your NID card, etc. So don’t forget to keep these with you.
Honestly, you can’t have much fun traveling without a partner. Try to keep a companion during a long ride. It will be beneficial for you in many ways. Such as prolonged riding can be annoying for you; when you feel bad, you can ask your partner to ride. It is an adventurous journey; there are some difficulties. Sit for a long time. Bathrooms are not everywhere you want. So take a partner who will enjoy the journey. A companion might be male or female, both.
Retail Money
You will need retail money many times on a long road trip. And you will not find ATM booths, banks, or agent stores at hand everywhere. So it would be wise to keep retail money in your pocket. Also, if you need to rush through the highway and there are some secluded places in Bangladesh which are not so modern now, So keep some retail money with. It will help you in many ways.
A Flashlight will also be useful at any time. When will you go on a long road trip? No tool can help you without a flashlight. Just in case you have to work on your motorcycle at night, a flashlight will be a beneficial thing that you will look for. Keep high power flashlights. Also, it would be wise to carry spare batteries in case the current one gets discharged. Don’t forget to keep the flashlights charges.
Tire Repair Kit
Take a tire repair kit with you; it easily fits in a luggage compartment or your backpack without taking too much room. In the event of a flat tire, you can plug your own tire and inflate it to get you back on your way until you can replace the tire or get a professional repair. So it is wise to keep a tire repair kit in a long ride.
Ear Plugs
Earplugs are essential things. Nowadays a lot of noise on the roads, you can get rid of this noise by wearing earplugs. If you ride without earplugs, don’t expect to have much hearing left as the years go by. Excessive can damage the hearing ability of your ears. Earplugs don’t cost all that much and if you have a habit of losing them, buy a bag of the foam kind, so you always have a supply.
After discussing road trip essentials information with you, I came to the final part of the article. I hope that you followed the thesis from beginning to end. If I forgot any important points to add, please let me know. What is your opinion after reading the article? Of course, inform me by comment. I also hope that the thesis will help you and it is beneficial for you. So, enjoy yourself on a road trip.